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Keaton's Incredible Hulk Cake

My last cake this weekend.  It has been a crazy weekend of birthday parties.  Miss E went right to bed and was asleep within a few minutes.  Swiming, Laser Quest and Zero Gravity Circus in one day will do that to a girl.

Keaton's request this year was for the Incredible Hulk.  When I saw a cake with orange background, I had my inspiration.  Keaton's favourite colour is orange.

This was a 10" 2 layer Perfect Chocolate Cake with buttercream filling. I really have the best friends.  They pick a flavour and a theme and have me run with it.  As a kid I always loved getting a card with my age on it.  I felt so old and grown up moving into the next digit.  Having what was once an unusual spelling for my name, it was even more exciting to see my name on anything with the correct spelling.  For a kid's cake I always try and get their name and age on it for this reason.  
